Статті у виданнях, що індексуються у міжнародних наукометричних базах

Статті у виданнях, що індексуються у міжнародних наукометричних базах даних за 2022 рік

  1. Development and Validation of a Titrimetric Method for Quantitative Determination of Free Organic Acids in Green Tea Leaves. / O. Y. Maslov, S.V. Kolisnyk, M.A. Komisarenko, A.A. Altukhov, K.V. Dynnyk // Pharmakeftiki. – 2021. – Vol. 33, № 4. – P. 304–311.
  2. Study of total antioxidant activity of green tea leaves (Camellia sinensis L.) / O. Yu. Maslov, S.V. Kolisnyk, M.A. Komisarenko, M.Y. Golik // Herba Polonica – 2022. – Vol. 68, № 1. – P. 1–9.
  3. Study and determination of fructan-type polysaccharide content in Erigeron annuu L. / S. Kovalev et al. Current Issues in Pharmacy and Medical Sciences. 2022. Vol. 35, №2. P. 95–98.
  4. Идентификация продуктов биотрансформации пароксетина в моче методами тонкослойной хроматографии и масс-спектрометрии / Ахмедов Э.Ю. та ін. Azərbaycan əczaçiliq və farmakoterapi̇ya jurnali. 2022. № 1. С.13–17.
  5. Blazheyevskiy M., Moroz V., Mozgova O. Difference spectrophotometric method for the determination of Fluphenazine hydrochloride in tablets using peroxomonosulfate. French-Ukrainian Journal of Chemistry. 2021. Vol. 9, №2. P. 64–71.
  6. Determination of Metoclopramide Hydrochloride in Pharmaceutical Formulations using N-Oxidation by Caroate / M. Blazheyevskiy, D. Ugbenbo Alfred-Ugbenbo, O. Mozgova, V. Moroz. Turkish Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. 2021. Vol. 19, № 5. P. 589-594.
  7. Goryacha, Olga V., Elemental Composition of Dasiphora fruticose (L.) Rybd. Varieties / Olga V. Goryacha, Аlla М. Kovaleva, Ain Raal, Тetiana V. Ilina, Оleh M. Коshovyi, Zoia V. Shovkova // The Open Agriculture Journal –2022, – Vol.16(1), e187433152201240.
  8. Investigation of three-component reaction of 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition of isatin, α-amino acids and dipolerophiles based on maleic acid and study of antimicrobial and antiradical activity of synthesized compounds / Y. Siumka, D. Lega, S. Kolesnik, M. Golik, D. Levashov. Pharmakeftiki. 2022. Vol. 34, № 1. P. 27–37.
  9. Investigation the influence of biologically active compounds on the antioxidant, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory activities of red raspberry (Rubus idaeous l.) leaf extract / O. Maslov, M. Komisarenko, S. Ponomarenko,  D. Horopashna, T. Osolodchenko, S. Kolisnyk, L. Derymedvid, Z. Shovkova, E. Akhmedov // Curr. Issues Pharm. Med. Sci., 2022. Vol. 35, No. 4, Pages 229-235


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